Georesources, Geopotentials, Georisiks - Detection, Investigation, Assessment
GeoConsult Rein is operating an international network to bring together the most suitable experts to solve your tasks.
However, GeoConsult Rein also offers opportunities for young scientists in applied sciences.
GeoConsult Rein combines classical and up-to-date ground based methods with the most recent techniques and possibilities provided by remote sensing data which are acquired by sensores based on helicopters, planes and satellites.
New algorithms and new remote sensing sensors have revolutionised the possibilities in exploration, monitoring and many other fields, allowing detailed geochemical and mineralogical analysis or detailed topographic analysis down to a centimetre-scale.
For you, we find raw materials as the required quality of industrial minerals, gem stones, precious metals, water, geothermal potentials and many more.
We analyse the deposits in 3D-models and assess exploitation models.
We organise surveillance of mining activities also in very remote places to guarantee you to be informed at any time about mining activities/progress.
We monitor and assess the environmental impact of mining.
We are looking forward expecting your challenges.
We have or we develop the solution to your challenge.
Give us a call, write us.